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[Fuerte diary d3.01] [Fuerte diary d3.03]



The night had not been good. I woke up several times coughing, snoring, shivering. In the morning I talked with Kussi about the plans for the day. The massive north swell made a camping trip to the south a good option, but the wind was very westerly and there would be too much wind chop overlaying the swell. We decided not to go today. So I went for a cruise, starting with the North Shore.


To my disappointment nothing seems to have changed on the island concerning the plague of ridiculous tourist infrastructure development. The illegal village at Majanicho is still there, dismantling obviously was not enforceable. All the administration did – or were able to do – is refusing to make property registries, which hinders sales of the houses. Wonder how long they manage to persevere this. The east side of Corralejo is still dominated by the extensive construction ruin of the never finished hotel complex that now stands for at last a decade. Down in the southeast you find several similar ruins, often situated in the middle of otherwise untouched barren nature.

When arriving with an airplane in Puerto del Rosario you fly over an immense golf village with an unreal green golf course. The motorway at the east coast is extended and gets extended to Corralejo and to Morro Jable. Don´t know how many tourists they expect to rush to the island in the future. Bizarre highlight is the endless row of street lanterns that light up the southern part of the motorway. Must be very foggy very often down there, or the lanterns were built by the same company that sold oodles of them to the meanwhile rotten road infrastructure for the never built mega village in Cotillo.

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