Cabo Verde p4

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[Cabo Verde p3]

Santo Antao:

About 780 km2, fantastic mountains, quite green, highest summit 1,979 m.

Ca. 44,000 inhabitants. Almost no tourist infrastructure. Best way to get there is via ferry from Mindelo, as the tiny airport is very exposed and therefore often closed for days due to strong winds.

Swell window: very large, only SE is blocked. Very steep island shelf, lot´s of high cliffs, very few beaches.

Action: mountain biking, hiking and maybe some dare devil surfing on heavy slabs

VERY beautiful landscape, little bit of culture in Porto Novo and Ribeira Grande.


About 780 km2 (largest island of the archipelago), pretty mountainous, highest summit 1,094m.

About 180,000 inhabitants, the most densely populated of the islands. Airport with connections to west Africa, important harbour.

Swell window: W to NW, SW to S to SE. A lot of steep cliffs, some beaches and reefs.

Action: surfing, windsurfing, kiteboarding

Landscape is o. k., highest density of culture in the archipelago


Almost 280 km2, highest summit 437m

Ca. 5,000 inhabitants, very much offside und pretty untouched

Swell window: all directions but south get blocked by the surrounding islands


A volcano in the sea. 2,829m high.

Has a very large swell window but outside and inside the sea way too steep to create surfable waves.

usefull things and helpfull links:




