Cabo Verde p3

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Boa Vista:

About 620 km2 of sand and stone, highest summit 379 m, extremely dry climate.

Ca. 4,000 also very relaxed inhabitants. Basic tourist infrastructure. Samll airport for the inter islands traffic.

Swell window: NW, NE to S. Swells from the north get blocked by Sal. Island shelf a little bit les steep than the one of Sal, which means that the waves come with less speed. Lots of sand beaches, few reefs.

Action: windsurfing, kiteboarding, surfing, diving.

Beautiful desert island, very little culture.

Sao Nicolau and neighbouring small islands:

About 350 km2, highest summit 1,312 m. Sort of a mountain in the sea.

Ca. 14,000 inhabitants. Airport for small aircrafts in inter islands traffic.

Swell window: NW to NE, SW. Long island shelf together with the smaller western islands and Sao Vicente, relatively shallow. Drops very quick to the north and the south.

Action: no info about spots, but should have a lot of potential due to geographic situation. Maybe there´s another Cortez Bank in between the islands…..

Sao Vicente:

About 230 km2, pretty mountainous with the ex volcano Monte Verde (750m) as the highest summit.

Ca. 52,000 inhabitants, most of them living in the harbour town Mindelo.

Some tourist infrastructure, airport for small aircrafts.

Swell window: N to ENE, S to W. Moderate drop of island shelf, sand beaches and reefs.

Action: Windsurfing (if you manage to get your boards to the island), kiteboarding, surfing

Very nice landscape if you like deserts. With Mindelo one of the cultural highlights of the archipelago. Carnival!


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