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[Point Perfect NO p4] [Point Perfect NO p6]


In the meantime, I had found out that there are some perfect points on the other side of the North Sea but still felt the need to get some decent surf in southern Norway. In early May 2018 I was ready for another try but got stuck in Denmark. A very warm summer followed with a few more missed opportunities until came autumn which coincided with surf-withdrawal symptoms. Still I couldn´t get together more than three free days until mid-November. A massive black hole had appeared on the swell forecast charts together with a promise of a couple of days with easterly winds all over the European North Atlantic coasts.

I managed to organize 6 free days and began to check options. North Portugal and particularly Nazaré were on that list, obviously mainly to watch, but here the wind was supposed to have (too much) south in the direction. And I had already witnessed a couple of epic days here in late January. Ireland had a brilliant forecast and Brittany too, both some of my favourite European destinations which I hadn´t visited for a while. But it is about 1,600 kilometres to Brittany, which is a bit much for a 6-days trip and for Ireland I had to take a plane, something which I am getting very reluctant nowadays because of global warming.

Just out of curiosity I checked the forecast for Norway’s south coast too in case some remnants of this massive swell would reach these shores too. And indeed, swells from one to two foot with periods from 13 to 20 seconds were prognosed and this together with an unusual long sunny period with easterly winds and fairly mild temperatures. I didn´t hesitate long before I booked the ferry.

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