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[The Search - NE 50] [The Search - NE 52]


So, I hit the road again which followed the coast of the Pistilfjordur. The wind was even stronger here and down at the sea I could see the odd typical spray clouds which indicate that the ocean is boiling due to very heavy winds. At the end of the bay a river was running and the sandy sediments were whipped up to a veritable sandstorm. Passing this area with the van without getting blown from the narrow road was a bit of a task.

The landscape was barren here and only got a little bit more interesting near the Raudanes peninsula when the road climbed up to the Fjallgardur. Not that there was much vegetation here either, but the moss pads here met some black hills which made a hallucinating impression. Up on the summit the view down to the coast and particularly onto the Raudanes peninsula tempted me to drive back down and do some further exploration of this area. But – in parts also due to the flat ocean – then I decided to keep on driving.

From the summit it is a steep but short descent to another plain. The Nupasveit is even more dry, with more black sand and less green spots. I decided not to take the detour along the peninsula to the northernmost tip of Iceland just for the sake of having been there and instead passed the plain directly to the next fjord, the Öxafjördur.

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