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[Yucatan p4] [Yucatan p6]

The landscape is flat as a pan around here and due to the karst underground and resulting dryness the vegetation is less dense. The Mayans used the more generous area and built the site much more spacious in comparison to Palenque. Highlights were the Pyramid Of The Magician with its strange rounded corners, the large “Palacio de Gobernator” and the highly ornamented facades. We explored the area for about 4 hours and left it before the hordes of tourists could completely flood it. Despite the immense fascination, that this place had on us, we felt the urge to get to the ocean.

We drove through Merida and Progreso and then took a road to the east. It lead to a nice beach. We were out for a swim when in the early afternoon suddenly the wind picked up. It stabilized at a nice force 5 – 6, blowing side-shore ant thus giving us a windsurfing blast. Sailing in board shorts with a 5.0 sail in really warm water was a very welcomed diversion from long drives on dusty roads and sweaty walks through pyramids. The wind lasted until dusk and after a basic dinner we just rolled out our sleeping bags and slept on the beach.

The next morning we woke up to a gusty force 4 – 6 side-offshore wind and immediately went for another windsurfing session. At noon the wind completely died, only to return again in the early afternoon. Again it came back in a blast, just as if somebody had turned a switch.

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