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[PR] [PR p27]

Tuesday, March 4th. After a bad night with very little sleep I got told in the morning that I was single again. The crew left early to go snorkelling and I took a public to Isabela to have some breakfast. It stayed windless all day but to my relief solid two meter waves were braking. It was pretty crowded despite being a workday but that didn´t hinder me spending most of the day out in the surf. That was the best method to wash of bad thoughts.

Wednesday, March 6th. The crew went somewhere else again, this time to San Juan. I stayed and went windsurfing in light to medium winds and decent waves. In the late afternoon I got worked at the outside reef, broke a mast and bruised my ribs with the fin of the board. Another bad night followed.

Thursday saw medium strong winds and small waves. I spent the day windsurfing at Jobos.

Friday morning I had a walk at the beach and a talk and found an agreement how to pass the remaining week before the majority of the crew would leave. Things improved for the moment and in the late afternoon another windsurf session helped to better my mood.
Saturday, March 9th. No wind and no waves this day, for the first time of the stay on the island that now had delivered either wind or waves and often both for a month straight. We took it easy and finished the day at the “Tamboo Too” bar in Rincon.

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