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[Sick Days D2-04] [Sick Days D2-06]


The parking in front of the pier was empty too with the exception of two old Volkswagen vans from Bavaria, that had surfboards on the roof and underneath the vans. But curtains were still closed and the crew obviously still sleeping.

The pier was empty too save for some fishermen trying to get their morning catch with fishing poles and – the privileged ones – the typical nets that were submerged and lifted by sort of a mini crane with a crank.

A light offshore was breezing and there was some swell. In fact, there was quite a bit of swell – for Mediterranean standards – but the sandbanks didn´t seem to be capable to handle this. The inside banks had just a complete mess of closeouts and white water and provided absolutely nothing surfable. The outside breaks looked way better and so I was curious about what that guy just paddling out would be able to make out of them.

He used the pier to have an easier paddle out but first thing that happened when he reached the end of the pier was getting a set on the head. But the waves were obviously weaker then they looked and he reached the outer lineup soon after the beating without having to fight too much. The guy was out on a longboard but despite having plenty of volume to work with had problems catching waves. Often a set rolled in, a wave peaked but flattened just after getting steep enough to start the paddle for the take-off. So despite the good looking size of the swell it took him a while before he actually managed to get a decent ride.

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