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[Presqu-Ile] [Finis Terra] [Morbihan 2016]


Presqu´ Ile.

Breizh – or Bretagne in French, Brittany in English – is one of the most attracting regions in Europe for different reasons. One major reason – at least for surfers, windsurfers and other ocean loving species – is the many peninsulas that dominate the coasts of this regions. Peninsula generally stands for spectacular encounters of ocean and land, stunning beauty and a great variety in the coastline that offer multiple options in different wind- and swell conditions. If one beach doesn´t work the bay around the corner might be just perfect.

I admit that – besides my real love for Breton culture and nature – that variability in the coastline is one major reason for me to come to this area again and again since decades.

So, in mid-October I started a trip to the far west again. I have lost count about how many times I had driven to Brittany but I still was excited, especially as the first few days I would spend in Finisterre, before I would “have to” drive south to spend the rest of the vacation in the less harsh climate of Morbihan.

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