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[Point Perfect NO p63] [Point Perfect NO p65]


There the haze was a tiny bit lighter, just enough to spot the righthander in front of the jetty occasionally. What became visible in these moments confirmed more or less my impression from the past days: the wave is just ok. At least for me it didnīt pose much of an attraction, so I started the van and drove back to the Bore beach. Once the road plunged into the hollow the fog thickened again and made keeping the van on the road already a task. Spotting the road signs in time to take off at the junctions was a challenge despite the slow speed I was driving in.

I made a little detour to a gas station nearby to buy some cookies and then returned to the beach, hoping that the fog would fade away in the last hours of daylight. It didnīt and half an hour before the sun was supposed to set, I gave up, returned to the van, had some food and considered what to do next.

The forecast for Monday was sunny again – which left me very suspicious after todays experience with sunny weather – a 1 foot @ 14 seconds swell and light onshore winds. One of my backup options for the case of no surf was visiting the Preikestolen again. In fact, the hike up onto these majestic mountains and the cliff above the Lysefjord actually was a plan A activity. I had done this in 2010 and was very eager to repeat it, especially with the forecasted clear and sunny weather.

But then this required a one-hour drive plus a ferry ride and a very cold night up at the parking from where the hike begins. And I didnīt trust the weather forecast. So, in the end I decided to stay here and gamble for swell, wind and sun cooperating enough to allow another surf session the next morning.

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