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[Nordsjøvegen 2022 p62] [Nordsjøvegen 2022 p64]


Meanwhile the guy was worked on the rocks by the white-water and the next wave. He never got a chance to reach his gear in time to prevent it from finally being swept onto the rocks of the harbour wall. A broken mast and a ripped sail were the consequences. The guy was a good wave-sailor, and it was only his second wave and yet the break showed how nasty it can be to windsurfers in days like this.

As this weren´t already sufficient prove to think twice about going out wave-sailing, the second guy – also a very seasoned wave-sailor – also misjudged a wave. He had already decided to drop out of it and jibed but was stuck in between waves and annihilated by the second one. Again, his gear was rapidly washed along the boulder beach and into the channel but at least he managed to reach it before it got smashed onto the harbour wall and could sail out again.

I had seen enough for now and decided it´s wiser for me to watch the show instead of participating in a likely carnage. And indeed, the North Sea went even wilder. A couple of clouds and accompanying rain squalls brought heavy gusts and stirred things further up. It was man versus raw nature now. Yet the locals seemed to be quite comfortable out there. At least the handful of – mostly middle-aged – men who actually went out.

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