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[Nordsjøvegen 2022 p103] [Nordsjøvegen 2022 p105]


The coast looked interesting, and I faintly remembered having read about an interesting reef here, but currently the sea was flat. So, after breakfast – the sun was shining again – I started the van and continued driving up north. My next stop was at Refesnes, a west facing beach where I arrived during another rain shower. Once the rain stopped, I walked to the dunes bordering the beach for a wind and wave check. The wind was side-onshore and a little wind swell was running. The wind was still icy and had further dropped though. A little bit upwind two kite-surfers were out. They were doing ok, but the combination of the cold wind and its mediocre force weren´t convincing me. So, I moved on.

My next stop was at Orre beach. The wind was side-shore here and again a little wind-swell was breaking. Nothing great though. On the northern end of the beach was a little point and behind that I saw some kites in the air. Curious I decided to check out what was going on up there. So, I drove back to the main road and a bit up and down until I found the gravel road leading to that particular part of the coast. On a semi-legal parking behind the dunes, I spotted some cars and guys rigging up their kites in the field.

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