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[EP07 Fun Days] [EP07 Fun Days p2]


Friday, November 24th

The night had been clear and cooled down the air to just a few Celsius above zero down here at the still moderately tempered sea. Up in the mountains it must have been icy and the frosty air falling down the mountain flanks condensed to thick fog once it met the warmer sea. I fought the chill with a hot coffee and the beautiful view that the still absolutely calm bay provided at dawn.

It was supposed to stay calm and sunny all day and this looked like a good opportunity to take the bike and set over to La Maddalena, the biggest island within the archipelago. I drove to Palau, had a second breakfast at a bar close to the port, bought a ticket for the ferry and just in time realized the flat tire of my bike. I managed to change the tube and the damaged tyre of my back wheel quickly enough to make it onto the next ferry.

The crossing was a 20 minutes glide through the almost oily sea and the ever-beautiful approach to Maddalena, the only town on the island, where the ferry lands. I left this beautiful town aside and headed straight east onto the dam that connects the island Maddalena with the Isola (island) Caprese. This is a for the archipelago typical rocky island with the odd bay with a sandy beach mixing with parts where the rocky hills face the sea with steep cliffs.

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