Why are we...p2

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Why are we doing all this?

This is a question we asked ourselves a few times during our trip this autumn to Brandon Bay on the south-westerly tip of Ireland. A trip to Ireland in autumn is normally a safe bet, concerning wind and waves. Especially Brandon Bay is famous for it´s exposed location, catching a lot of swells from almost every direction and sorting them into long and clean lines. Plus you get all the low pressure systems, moving across the Atlantic, bringing heaps of wind.

We experienced this kind of great conditions 6 years ago, so deciding on a new trip and getting a group together was a matter of a few emails. But this is where it always get´s interesting, getting everything organized. To get four guys plus mountains of windsurfing equipment from one part of the world to another is always a difficult task. You have to decide whether to drive there with your own vehicle, or to jump on a plane. The last option is getting more and more difficult these days, as it seems that windsurfers are not on the top of the list of wanted customers of airlines anymore. Golfers, divers and most other people are not having any problems checking in their gear, while windsurfers are not even allowed to check it in at all, or basically have to get a loan to pay the bill for excess baggage.

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Story by Flo Söhnchen & Chris Hafer

Photos by Chris Hafer
