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[Fresh Lobster p5] [Fresh Lobster p7]

Also the not very stormy wind was as scheduled, as it was the last day of the PWA contest. The riders had to get out with marginal wind to catch a wave and so ended – as we planned it and as we know it – the contest without managing to sort out the last 16 places. Keauli Seadi became world champ in wavesailing and the world cup packed together and the PWA riders left the small Scottish isle without getting to know its full potential.

We were supposed to have more luck, despite at the beginning Klaus being insisting that a trip to southern France would have been the better choice because of the perfect conditions you can find there (and may be because of the red wine). But his complaints became more and more rare the longer we stayed here because while almost whole Europe (including southern France) got plagued by a for the season very untypically lull, the wind at Tiree was at least strong enough for large wave boards and sails. This with unexpected sunshine, mild temperatures and almost empty beaches!

And after Yannick brought a wind sacrifice for the whole team and we experienced first fraternization scenes in the pub we shared the constantly increasing waves until dusk with few other windsurfers.

Especially Yannick showed, that neither wind sacrifice nor pain would prevent him from mercilessly throwing himself into the most vicious parts of the wave again and again….. but we sometimes took advantage of the fact that the spots had a suitable safety zone and getting back to shore after crash was easy.

So we developed a certain routine in the following days, be it the island tour every morning to check the spots or digging the van out of soft spots in the sand.

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