Down Under p4

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[Down Under p3] [Down Under p5]


Unfortunately the earth is changing at a faster rate every day, and also the climate changes are not longer a theory, with the weather conditions becoming more and more extreme. While we stayed at the west coast, the eastern part of Australia was devastated by horrendous floods and torrential rain.

There wasn´t a single raincloud to be seen at Lancelin, a little fishing village around 150km north of Perth. Nothing had changed since our last visit 5 years ago, but it was relatively quiet. Not a disadvantage at all, because it meant we had logo high waves nearly to ourselves, with constant wind for 4.7 or 5.3, and warm clear water, day after day...

With a windless day, we were happy to get a day well earned rest after 6 days straight of great sailing and moved up north along the coast. Following the endless stretching roads, but you better avoid driving at dusk or dawn due to the suicidal tendencies of the local kangaroos.

Forward 400km and we found ourselves in Geraldton, with it´s ample variation of wave spots, and right on time the conditions were firing again. We only wished for quieter nights, with our tent battered by the winds...and maybe we wished to hard, because we got it one morning, no wind...and with it came the scorching heat and the biggest plague West Australia has to offer...flies....everywhere. There is no chance to hide or escape and without a net covering your head and Zen-like calmness even a buddhistic monk will turn into a maniac with the aim of killing as many flies as possible in no time..

Interesting though, the windless spell in Australia behaved like the phenomena known and hated by every working windsurfer here..windless weekends!! Right on Monday the wind started to blow again...and...the best part of blow away the flies!

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