Eno Kløft p4

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datrip: You told me about that surf pilgrimage to Central America, that you made to get back on the right track and that obviously was successful. What was the special valour of the trip and what kind of experiences did it give to you?

Eno: My time in Nicaragua totally changed my way of thinking it gave me a lot of perspective both in seeing myself and the world that I’m living in more clearheaded. You know it is so easy just to get sucked into the western way of living. This trip made me very aware, I was living so simple for one year I had the shittiest little shack with dirt floor and hundreds of scorpions and spiders, and the only thing I did was to clean, cook and surf perfect waves with no one around.. and I understood that I didn’t need any more to feel good. Off course I probably will not experience the same deserted wave paradise again but it’s the simplification of life that appeals to me.

datrip: When you travel with such a purpose in mind, how important is the way of doing such a trip – in your case the one way ticket, the time you spend there and the roots way of living?

Eno: I like the one way ticket cause it keeps you fresh and open minded, but now I have a family to look after but we will do the same thing together the whole family on a one way ticket!:-)  I try not to travel with a purpose, when I travel I try to appreciate what I’m doing and stay open to what ever comes my way and not to have any criteria of success, just go and surf.

datrip: How long will it be possible to withstand the pressure of readopting the western way of living in Denmark? Do you think that you can keep your Central America experiences alive long enough to finally go on that one way trip again in, let’s say a couple of years, when your family is ready?

Eno: I try to keep it simple and take it easy. Right now I’m enjoying being here in Klitmøller going on small trips but there’s no doubt I’m going out again for a longer period and who knows what will happen then...

datrip: That’s the perfect final sentence. Eno, thanks a lot for the interview! Hope to see you soon up there. Take care.

check some more pics from Eno in the gallery

Eno is supported by Rip Curl and Westwind Klitmøller