Chris Hafer p6

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Chris: Yes, we do Slalom as well, but I regarding the nuclear conditions in Pozo I reckon I would be looking for shelter ;-)

Switching from sailing to windsurfing I knew that tuning equipment is easier if you have a solid team mate to train with. And with the Team ranking introduced at the same time at the German Windsurfcup, it was a logical step, to form a team. It really helps getting your right set up, and also it is more motivating to sail with a bunch of guys instead of just on your own. On the other hand it is also more value for the sponsors, which get more exposure with a team instead of a single sailor.  But most of all, it is much more fun and relaxed, when you are sailing with the right guys. After some changes in the past it really looks like we have the right mixture since last year, where you can rely on each other and really having heaps of fun. And instead of just teaming up together for the races, we do a lot of travelling together. Being a team also really helps a lot, when hauling mountains of windsurfing stuff around the globe. I guess we are the nightmare of every airline check in counter when turning up, like at our trip to Tiree, Scotland last year ;-)

datrip: Chris, you’re not the youngest one anymore (sorry about being that direct..), how much longer are you willing or able to keep focused and fit enough for competition?

And what’s your plans for the near future? Creating a family? Exciting new trips? A new career in windsurf journalism or photography? Let us know your dreams!

Chris: Yep, right now I’m sitting at the German Championships on Sylt, waiting for wind....again, feels like the 100th time this year, and feels like I’m getting too old for this ;-) Actually I feel fitter and more focused than a few years ago. I guess in competition like sailing or windsurfing especially experience helps a lot...and compared to other windsurfers in competition it might be just the right no final decision on an end of competition days yet.

But yes, a dream would be to concentrate more on exciting trips, something we might do more with the team in the near future. And definitely working on my storytelling/ writing/ photography, but that is probably something that you can’t really plan, it somehow has a kind of development on its own. And yes, creating a family isn’t out of question...

datrip: Chris, thanks a lot for that interview!

check Chris´ fotofolio!

Chris is supported by:

skbue g-shock jp-australia gunsails powerbar stokedriders pro-limit hurricanefins