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[Wicked Numbers p22] [Wicked Numbers p24]


A few guys were more resilient and stayed out until the sun had set. The sky was clearing now and when the full moon made it over the horizon, he shone on a handful of surfers duck-diving set after set and occasionally getting a moonlit ride. The swell now had really arrived and was pumping in the night. But it would be a long night and the question was: would the swell persevere until daylight reappears?

In about 15 hours I would know. But now I had to warm up and as the gas heating in my van wasn´t working I went to look for a café or restaurant in Klitmøller, but everything was closed here. So, I drove to Thisted, gladly taking the 15-minute drive with the heating in the cabin on full power. I had put my soaking wet neoprene armour into the driving cabin too hoping it would get at least a little bit dryer and thus would make it easier to put it back on the following day.

I found a well heated restaurant down at the harbour and took my time to eat Bruschetta and Pizza and have a beer before I drove back to Klitmøller, once again with the heating on the max. The campground I wanted to spend the night was closed too, so I just parked the van close to the coast and went to sleep.

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