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[WA-15 p3] [WA-15 p5]


23°51'0" S und 113°31'1" E

That’s just a few numbers and letters. At a second glance these are coordinates. To be more exactly the coordinates of an Australian Homestead, so basically a farm. Ok, there are no cows, and also the word farm has a slightly different meaning in Australia, especially considering the dimensions. Helicopters instead of tractors are quite common with the farms stretching for miles and miles.

But I digress, back to that homestead you find at the aforementioned coordinates. If you give this letters and numbers an name it should evoke a sparkle in most surfers eyes….Gnaraloo.

This name alone is enough for me to dream every winter of warm endless waves. I was lucky enough to spend some times down under in Western Australia and Gnaraloo. So the exchange rate was reason enough to board a plane to the other end of the world in November. Although we were denied boarding first, due to a missing visa. A last minute online Visa and the sympathy of the airline staff made it finally possible to jump on the plane and even get an upgrade to business class…definitely a good way to start the trip and to get the blood pressure down to reasonable levels again.

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story and photos by Chris Hafer
