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To get a certain break really good you need a specific combination of wind direction and speed happen at the coast and out at the sea. A few degrees’ changes in wind direction can make the difference between epic and not happening at all and two hours of miss-timing decide between joy and frustration.

All this sums up to a surprisingly high quota of quality surf when you are willing to invest time to know the details and live in the area and have a flexible time schedule. But even for locals the line between surfing onshore mush and grinding points is very fine and most of them tend to stick to one spot which they have learned to understand. For most of them the risk of missing the short time during which the well-known break works by searching and checking other breaks seems too high.

For somebody not living anything close to this area, the investment necessary to score good surf at the Baltic Sea or the Kattegat is even higher. You have to spend quite a few hours on the road, and in my case, pay the equivalence of a flight to the Canaries in ferry and toll bridge fees. So trips to this area will be well calculated. Wind speeds and directions have to stay within a certain pattern and should last for more than two days to make the investment valuable.

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