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[Swell Chase p3] [Swell Chase p5]


Now, during the past years I had done numerous trips to the British Islands and had developed a real passion for them. I had even learned to like England. But the growing xenophobia and cacophony of blaming “the others” had already dampened my passion in early 2016 (check this story on the topic) and what I heard and read after the referendum had led to a deep frustration with everything British (save the Scots). Love had turned into aversion.

But the forecast was too good and I had really liked Yorkshire on my previous visits plus it would be a good opportunity to get an impression of what the English were really like at the moment. So I booked a flight to Manchester. I almost cancelled it again an hour later as I had read another article in the Guardian reporting about a statement of Mr. Corbyn saying that “Britain would be better off outside the EU”. Many of the user comments to the article did not better my mood either. But I managed to blend this out and managed to look forward on the upcoming trip.

The flight was pretty cheap with 130 Euros round trip especially considering that I had booked only three days in advance. But the airplane was too small to take surfboards. So I contacted the very helpful guys from Secret Spot Surf Shop. They have boards to rent and in addition and recommended me to ask Mike and Paula from the Boardshed Hostel for accommodation.

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