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I returned to the Myvatn (means: the mosquito lake) to visit another volcanic site called Dimmuborgir (means: dark castles). When I arrived there, I was shocked. There are two large parkings here and both were almost full, with a couple of large coaches amongst plenty of cars. These crowds where not exactly what I came for.

But I walked up to the hill – that has a restaurant – to have a look on the site. It looked interesting. Large blocks of congealed lava lay scattered over a large area with lots of green in between and a volcano in the background. I decided to go for a hike despite the masses. These were – as usual – densest at the entrance of the site. I hoped to escape them by taking one of the longer walks that lead through the area.

The walk turned into fairly narrow paths which made overtaking groups of other people a bit difficult. All these lava blocks in their weird forms kept people from advancing quicker. And it slowed me down in my quest to get away into some solitude.

At a large rock with a hole in it that you could walk through there was a veritable traffic jam. People were doing silly poses in that hole while getting – err – “photographed” by their companions. A group of elderly Asian ladies got into a real frenzy about these shots, hurrying up to the hole and forgetting every politeness, even stumbling and almost falling.

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