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Tuesday, July 18th

It was time to move again and so I visited Vestrahorn again. Needless to mention that part of the mission was to find surf-able waves.

To be honest: I was quite desperate now for a surf session. Sure, the primary reason why I came to Iceland were the amazing natural wonders and astounding landscapes. But finding some good waves along the endless and very exposed coastline were an equally important ambition. And up to now I only had been teased and got hints of the surf potential of this area.

The forecast for today was another one these “there is a chance for surfable waves, but it might as well be flat” previsions. The guy who pretended to own the vast black sand beach in front of the stunning mountains of Vestrahorn stayed greedy and did not let me walk up the hill to check if there were some waves. Again, I had to buy the pretty expensive day-ticket that allows you to enter the beach without knowing if there would be some surf.

I did so while grinding my teeth, parked my van and walked up the little hill that allows an overlook on the beach. The view from here was disappointing. The easy accessible part of the beach in front of the radar station had no waves at all. Further north there were some small waves breaking but besides the odd “bigger” set it looked like the waves were too small over there too.

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