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[BDSD p44] [BDSD p46]


There I found a few more waves, but nothing quite like the first one. After a while I became cold – the sun had disappeared – and my body said enough after two windsurf and a surf session. I went out, changed and had a look around the corner. Down there another crew was having quite a bit of fun, surfing some surprisingly good sized and long running lefts.

The swell seemed to have picked up a bit anyhow and the break where I was surfing looked better now too. There were still guys coming and paddling out and stoked newbies and skilled nose-walkers shared the clean little waves until the setting sun put the area in some magic light and the waves started to vanish.

What a day!

It sure was better at other parts of the Baltic Sea but having a winter storm at home in the middle of summer was something special. Warm temperatures, long days, little driving, strong side-shore winds and nice waves / decent side-offshore winds and fun waves, wouldn´t mind if this would happen more often.

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