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Capo Testa

This rocky peninsula is just another proof that mother nature still is the greatest sculptor on earth. Tafone-erosion has turned the small granite mountain range into the most fantastic forms which shimmer in different colours according to the actual weather situation. A walk through this wonderland even on a rainy day is a hallucinating experience.
It is easy to get lost as there are very few paths leading through this stony labyrinth and you might end up having to climb a bit, but it is definitely worth the effort. Since the hippy era in the 1960s some of the caves are inhabited by people who got caught by the magic of this landscape.

Sadly, the surrounding area is occupied by the plague of Sardinia, the ever-growing holiday houses and resorts. Nearby Santa Teresa de Gallura has turned into logistical local centre of this tourist business, besides harbouring the ferry line to Bonifacio on Corsica and a few fishing boats.

Capo Testa is very exposed to westerly swells and mistral winds which get enforced by the narrow strait of Bonifacio. During Mistral periods the sea can get very wild here. On calmer days some north-west facing bays have some nice waves.

Check the gallery for some more impressions.

Related stories: Genoa Low – the build-up, Sardinia 1986
