Port Bara

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Port Bara:

Situated at a beautifull part of the cote sauvage of the peninsula Port Bara and its neighbor, Port Blanc are very popular surf spots. Limited parking besides the narrow road and huge crowds on weekends and during holidays leave very little time for a relaxed session at Port Bara. Get up very early for some solitude. The beach is sand with rocky cliffs on both sides. At high tide the beach gets allmost completely submerged.

surfing: The waves break over sandbars and sand covered reefs. The rock in front of the right should be avoided. The northwest facing coast catches a lot of swell. If there is any swell in this area, You´ll find it around here. The place works best in small to medium (2m faces) swell. Bigger waves close out. There is some protection from southwesterly winds by the cliffs but it´s best with east to south winds.

There is a left that only really works at low to mid tide. This break is very popular with bodyboarders as very often they are the only ones capable to ride the quick braking wave.

The break on the right / northeast side of the beach works best at mid tide. With low tide it gets very hollow and tends to close out. Hight tide sees mushy waves. Rights can get fairly long, lefts are short.

The spot can get ridiculously crowded especially in summer, when it´s often the only place with surfable waves.

windsurfing: no way

kiteboarding: on a day with small waves, wasterly winds and low tide it might be worth trying it. But there are way better places on the peninsula.

usefull things: