nordic spring sessions p4

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Sunday brought allmost glassy conditions with still good wave size for a couple of hours. Outside sandbars were breaking very soft but overhead. Longboards were the best decision. Many surfers seemde to be already tired by three days in a row of surfing the still very cool north sea so the crowds were smaller. Again, people on long tankers, rounded 7 somethings and even paper thin Al Merricks had fun. The wind turned to more southerly directions and brought some rain. Around noon it was time to check Klitmöller to see if there was some wavesailing to do.

And Yes, the southwest wind direction was perfect for the musselreef. Sails were in the 5.0 range and waves had faces of 2m and a bit. It had got colder again but the action on the water was hot. Backloops have become a basic manouver now, lip slides and wave 360´s attempts are a frequent sight now. Ah yes, and the inside flatwater zone gives room for some freestyle tricks in between.

Especialy the local danes have got it really wired now.

After that I checked Hanstholm and found out - as expected - that it was flat. Decided to drive south. Passed N.V and stopped to have a last look. The sight was very strange. Good surf, not a single surfer out but a pack of kiteboarders had taken over the place. And they finally had learned how to surf a wave on that little chips. They showed the usuall jumps, yes, but they also carved a series of turns on breaking waves. Very nice. Just hope that there won´t be trouble about who has priority her in future. The rule is and shoul stay: this is a surfers place and only when the lineup is empty the wind driven vehicles can take it. There is so many spots for windsurfers and kiteboarders around here and there very very few surfspots that work with westwind conditions. Give the surfers absolute priority here!

It was time to head back home. I took it easy and checked some new places in the hope to find alternatives to N.V for surfing. Didn´t really find something comparable. This is bad, as surfing crowds constantly grow and tensions might increase in the near future. But the search is still on.

Ckeck the north and baltic sea galleries for pics from this spring.